Linocuts ● Woodcuts ● Silkscreens ● Photographs
Original Prints and Card Reproductions
Inkling Studio, Madison
Have you ever been interested in trying out the silkscreen process?
Here’s your chance to check it out! I am having a two-session introductio...
Inkling Studio, Madison
Waterman Park, Downtown Oregon
Waterman Park, Downtown Oregon
Downtown Madison
Downtown Madison
Find them under the "Art and Images" menu above. Over 100 cards of artworks and altered photos! Plus 28 new Altered Prints!
The INKLING STUDIO art gallery and shop is now open at 901 Watson Av #101 in the South of the Beltline area in South Madison.
Please come by - I am here most afternoons. Call or text 608-334-9037 to make an appointment just to be sure I'm here.
Artists: Are you concerned that your art fair application photos are not as professional looking as they should be? If the answer is yes, I can help!
I can take professional photographs of your artwork for art fair entries, website, social media, brochures, and more.
The process
I will work with you to get the best lighting, angle, color, backgrounds, post-processing and final results of your 2D (flat) and 3D art.
I have a few backgrounds and a light box tent for 3D objects, but you are encouraged to bring your own appropriate backgrounds and staging materials.
I will gladly explain to you the process, so you can do-it-yourself later if desired.
Your final product
You will be delivered a high-resolution photo, and a smaller, web- and entry-appropriate photo for each work. Photos delivered via email or Dropbox. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
My service fees
A basic set-up charge of $40 plus a per shot charge of $10 per final photo (not by shutter clicks). The per shot charge includes setup for each photo and post-processing. Pricing averages in the $15 - $20 range per completed photograph. Overly complex staging will be charged at an hourly rate of $45.
There is a minimum of 5 photos please, and that all artwork is finished and ready to be photographed.
Direct contact info: or 608-334-9037.
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